$pages->filterBy($key [, $operator], $value [, $split])

Filters the collection by any field and value and with a set of filtering operators

  • $key (string)
    A field name or a method of the page, e.g. template
  • $operator (string)
    See list of filter methods below; if not a valid filter method the second parameter will be the value
  • $value (mixed)
  • $split (string)
    Character to split by while filtering
  • return ($pages)


// fetch children with a field 'draft', which has the value 'yes'
$items = $page->children()->filterBy('draft', 'yes');

// fetch children with a date in the past
$items = $page->children()->filterBy('date', '<', time());

// fetch children with a date in the future
$items = $page->children()->filterBy('date', '>', time());

// fetch any page with a project template
$items = $site->index()->filterBy('template', 'project');

// fetch any page with either an article or project template (added in Kirby 2.3.2)
$items = $site->index()->filterBy('template', 'in', ['article', 'project']);

// fetch children that have the tag 'development'
$items = $page->children()->filterBy('draft', 'development', ',');

// fetch children that have the tag 'development' from a tags field with separator ';'
$items = $page->children()->filterBy('draft', 'development', ';');

Available filter methods

Method Function
== all values that match exactly
in takes an array as parameter, matches all values that are included in the array (added in Kirby 2.3.2)
!= all values that don't match
not in takes an array as parameter, matches all values that are not included in the array (added in Kirby 2.3.2)
*= all values that contain the given string
> all values that are greater than the given value
>= all values that are greater or equal the given value
< all values that are smaller than the given value
<= all values that are smaller or equal the given value