
Returns the collection without any given pages.

  • $args (Page | string)
    Excluded pages can be specified by passing the entire $page object, the UID or full URI
  • return ($pages)


<h2>All pages except project-b</h2>
  <?php foreach($page->children()->not('project-b') as $subpage): ?>
    <a href="<?= $subpage->url() ?>">
      <?= $subpage->title()->html() ?>
  <?php endforeach ?>

Pass collection as argument

(since 2.3.0+)
You can now pass a collection as argument as well:

  $excluded = $page->children()->filterBy('template', 'some_template');
  foreach($page->children()->not($excluded) as $subpage): ?>
    <a href="<?= $subpage->url() ?>">
      <?= $subpage->title()->html() ?>
  <?php endforeach ?>