
Permission to upload a new file

Target Data







// site/roles/editor.php
return [
  'name'        => 'Editor',
  'default'     => false,
  'permissions' => [
    '*'                 => true,
    'panel.file.upload' => false

Allow uploads based on the page template


// site/roles/editor.php
return [
  'name'        => 'Editor',
  'default'     => false,
  'permissions' => [
    '*'                 => true,
    'panel.file.upload' => function() {
      return $this->target()->page()->template() === 'projects';

Allow uploads based on the number of files


// site/roles/editor.php
return [
  'name'        => 'Editor',
  'default'     => false,
  'permissions' => [
    '*'                 => true,
    'panel.file.upload' => function() {
      return $this->target()->page()->files()->count() < 5;

Allow uploads based on the type of file

In the action state, you get access to the uploaded file. The file is a (toolkit: media) object, with tons of features to check for the size, dimensions, mime types and even exif data.


// site/roles/editor.php
return [
  'name'        => 'Editor',
  'default'     => false,
  'permissions' => [
    '*'                 => true,
    'panel.file.upload' => function() {

      if($this->state() === 'upload') {
        // always show the upload button
        return true;

      if($this->target()->upload()->type() !== 'image') {
        return 'You are only allowed to upload images';

      return true;
