Installation issues

We try our best to make the installation of Kirby as effortless as possible, but with multiple server setups and PHP versions there's unfortunately always space for problems. We hope to offer solutions for the most frequent issues here. Please send us an email if you still get stuck:

Broken subpages

Your homepage is working great, but subpages won't open or lead to a server error?

  1. Make sure that the .htaccess file that ships with Kirby is present in your Kirby folder.

  2. Check if mod_rewrite is enabled on your server.

  3. Check if the .htaccess file get loaded. You can test this by putting some nonsense characters into your .htaccess. If this triggers an "Internal Server Error", the file gets loaded. Otherwise, you need to enable AllowOverride all in your Apache configuration.

  4. Please try setting the RewriteBase in the .htaccess file:

RewriteBase /

If you run Kirby in a subfolder, make sure to set the RewriteBase according to the name of your subfolder:

RewriteBase /my-subfolder

Broken data after saving

Your content files seem to be corrupted after you tried to save a page in the Panel? Make sure the PHP mb_string extension is installed on your server. A missing extension leads to broken data in text files.

Error 500 when trying to access Panel

Make sure that the PHP mb_string extension is installed/enabled.

The Panel is not reachable? Make sure to use Kirby's default .htaccess file.

Please make sure that you use the minimum required version of PHP, which is 5.6 since Kirby 2.5.11 (and 5.4 since Kirby 2.2). We recommend using the most recent PHP version that is available to you, preferably PHP 7, but at least 5.6.

If the Panel does still not work, please contact us:

More problems?

Don't hesitate to ask questions in the forum or send us an email: